Getting help with your website strategy

Ways to get assistance in building a strong content strategy for your website.

Young man with hoodie working on his laptop in a busy room.

People have tasks to complete, and jobs to do.

Your content should help them complete the job they need to do. Content is why people visit your website. But how do you help them, so they find your content useful, usable, and findable?

That’s where content strategy comes in, and we have several ways at UCSC that you can get help with your strategy. Content strategy guides the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable, and findable content.

Website Redesign Toolkit

Designed to help you plan your website improvement. It’s split into several sections to help guide each step of your website design process.  Explore the Website Redesign Toolkit.

Content strategy checklist

A downloadable, and easy to use checklist of the content on this page, including resources and templates. Download the content strategy checklist.


Synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities to help support campus partners in creating sustainable and effective websites. Explore training.

Open labs

Co-working opportunities for website owners and content creators to meet with Information Technology Services staff to answer questions on any questions related to building your websites. Explore open labs.


Explore our self-service guidance to help you build a sustainable, effective, and quality UCSC website. Guides Include common tasks like getting started, requesting a website, and writing for the web. Explore guides.

Talk to someone

Members of the Experience Strategy and Design team can meet with you and your team to help get you started on your content strategy. Request a consultation via SlugHub.

More content strategy resources

Videos and presentations

Content strategy for naysayers, Google Slides

Last modified: Jan 27, 2023