
Easy to use guidance, learning opportunities, and more to help support you in creating sustainable and effective UCSC websites.


Learning opportunities to help support campus partners in creating sustainable and effective websites.

Opportunities include required training, content strategy training, and more.

Web Users Group

The Web Users Group is for all website owners and content creators to meet, learn, share success stories and best practices, ask questions and stay updated about how to build and maintain a great website.

Join the Web Users Group email list

Get notified of releases, changes, and updates to the UCSC WordPress service, including meeting recaps, and invites.

How to join the email list
  • Be sure you are logged into Google with your UCSC account
  • Visit the Web Users Group Google Group, or search Web Users Group
  • Select the Web Users Group
  • Select Join group
  • Full instructions

Recordings of previous meetings

Recorded July 24, 2024
Recorded May 29, 2024
Recorded April 24, 2024

Recording archive

Get help

To directly have a conversation, request a consultation, or ask a specific question, open a SlugHub ticket. Your question will be routed to the right person for help.

Things to include in your support request

  • A detailed description of the issue you experienced.
  • The direct URL of where the issue is happening.
  • Steps we can take to replicate the issue.
  • Attach screenshot(s) or a screencast if available.
  • Your operating system (example: Mac, PC, other…)
  • The browser you are using (example: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, other…)
  • The date, time, and time zone of when the issue started happening.
Last modified: Jul 24, 2024