Web theme design elements

Examples of visual elements available in the UCSC WordPress theme including guidance on how you might use them in laying out a page. 

Web pages are built in the UCSC WordPress environment by using what WordPress calls a “Block Editor.”


Blocks are the components used for adding content to the Block Editor. Blocks are things like: headings, paragraph text, lists, images, columns, and more.


Patterns are pre-designed layouts that are made up of blocks.

Screenshot of the Blocks used in WordPress
Screenshot of the Chancellor's website

Get inspired

See how other UC Santa Cruz websites are using the elements on this page to draw inspiration.

The components in WordPress that you’ll be using to create layouts on your pages

Headings and Paragraphs

Headings help communicate how the content on your page is organized.

Paragraphs are used for most of the body copy on your page.

Both have a default font and size to align with UC Santa Cruz brand and identity standards.

Related icons


Lists can organize your copy in numbers (ordered) or bulleted (unordered) lists.

  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item 2
  3. Ordered list item 3
  • Unordered list item 1
  • Unordered list item 2
  • Unordered list item 3

Related icon


The columns block allows you to insert text, media, and other types of content on your page, up to six columns.

You can choose several column width size variations to start with: 100, 50/50, 30/70, 70/30, 33/33/33, 25/50/25.

Related icon

One column layout

A one column layout can be used to call out and prioritize a specific idea on your page. It can show priority in being the only content you want to highlight.

Two column layout

A two column layout splits the priority of two ideas on your page. You can choose to split the columns 50/50, 30/70 or 70/30.

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right. 

Two column layout

A two column layout splits the priority of two ideas on your page. You can choose to split the columns 50/50, 30/70 or 70/30.

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right. 

Three column layout

A three column layout splits the priority of three ideas on your page.  You can choose to split columns 33/33/33, or 25/50/25.

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right. 

Three column layout

A three column layout splits the priority of three ideas on your page. You can choose to split columns 33/33/33, or 25/50/25.

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right. 

Three column layout

A three column layout splits the priority of three ideas on your page. You can choose to split columns 33/33/33, or 25/50/25.

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right. 

Column example: Two column layout, with left image, text, and call to action

A biker on a bikepath at UCSC

This layout splits the columns 33% – 66%, allowing you flexibility and control over how your image is placed alongside the text. 

In mobile, the stacking order would be: heading, image, text, call to action link.

Call to action link

Column example: A three column layout, using the (bulleted) list block, with a headline

When there are several content ideas to present at an equal priority, group common ideas together with a clear headline. This can be completed in a one, two, or three column layout to show association. Try to keep lists short to reduce the volume of content users have to interact with.

Types of cheeses

  • Mozzarella
  • Havarti
  • Limburger

Types of breezes

  • Moderate
  • Light
  • Gusts

Types of sneezes

  • Explosive
  • Loud
  • Quiet


Buttons help your users take action on your page. They can be created in a variety of sizes with colors aligned with the UC Santa Cruz brand and identity standards.

Related icons


Icons are visual cues that help communicate an idea. They can call out an idea, or break up text on a page. When you use icons make sure you base them on metaphors that people understand, or introduce them together with more descriptive text.


Right arrow





Example 1: There are a couple options in how to display news. This is a RSS feed sourced from UCSC News Center, built using the RSS feed block in a one column layout in WordPress. Images are not currently supported with the RSS feed.

  • The National Practice Forum on Nature-Based Solutions was held in Irvine on February 4 and 5, and sponsored by UC Santa Cruz’s Center for Coastal Climate Resilience (CCCR). The forum drew over 500 attendees from around the country to discuss how our ecosystems can protect us from natural disasters.
  • Researchers at UC Santa Cruz created a successful experimental aquaculture feed formulation for rainbow trout that fully replaces traditional fishmeal ingredients sourced from wild-caught fish with leftover marine microalgae from the human dietary supplement industry. Their findings support efforts to increase the variety and quality of fish-free feed options, so that aquaculture can expand food production […]
  • New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, supporting the health of tropical ecosystems and fish. UC Santa Cruz professors Dan Costa and Ari Friedlaender contributed their marine-mammal expertise to the study, which was published on March 10 in the journal Nature Communications.

Example 2: This is news sourced from posts that are created on your website, using the Latest Posts block. There are a variety of options on how to display posts, and images are supported.

  • Looking good: Student Affairs & Success
    Congrats to the Division of Student Affairs and Success for the launch of their website in the new UCSC WordPress platform.
  • Primary navigation best practices
    The best way to set up your navigation depends on your goals. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but there are some guidelines to help users navigate your website more easily.
  • WCMS web service retiring
    The Campus Web Content Management System (WCMS) will officially retire at the end of summer in 2025.

Related icons


Latest posts


Displayed in a one column block, using the Custom HTML block, this is one of several events calendar display options sourced from the UCSC Events Calendar using the Events Calendar widget builder.

Related icon

Media and text

The Media & Text block allows you to place an image or video side-by-side with text

Example 1: Media and text, set to full width

Related icon

Students at graduation.

Commencement at UC Santa Cruz

Your voices will change the world.  

Commencement is different from graduation. Commencement is the celebration that graduation has, or will soon occur. Graduation is the official acknowledgment that a student’s course of study is complete and, with that, a degree conferred.  

Example 2: Media with text, set to a fixed width and centered

Students at graduation.

Commencement at UC Santa Cruz

Your voices will change the world.  

Commencement is different from graduation. Commencement is the celebration that graduation has, or will soon occur. Graduation is the official acknowledgment that a student’s course of study is complete and, with that, a degree conferred. 

Example 3: Media with text,

An outdoor art installation featuring an artist creating giant bubbles

Culture at UC Santa Cruz

Similar to the visuals provided in the two column layout with image, the Media and Text block gives you even more control over how your image is placed alongside the text. 

Initially using a 50% – 50% column split, this block allows you to easily change the column widths.

Video embed in a 1,2,3 column layout

For displaying video content on your web pages.

Related icons

Patterns are collections of individual blocks that are pre-styled to give you an easy layout option.

They are located next to the blocks in your WordPress page editor.

Patterns in WordPress


Banners are often used to show your most important idea on the page. Banners are sometimes called hero (or hero images) or billboards.

Banners are unique designs built using the Cover Block. Similar to a column, the Cover Block allows you to create a large image with a text overlay. If you use the text overlay, choose an image where the text won’t cover people’s faces, or hide the meaning of the image.

Find these patterns

Select: Patterns
Then select: Banner


Grids are ways to present content out according to preset layouts that also respond to different screen sizes.

Find these patterns

Select: Patterns
Then select: Grid

Grid: 2-Column Grid

a woman carrying plants in a field

Individual call out

First column heading

A two column layout splits the priority of two ideas on your page.  Leading with an image can break up long text, and provide context to the heading and descriptive text associated with the image 

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right.

An outdoor art installation featuring an artist creating giant bubbles

Individual call out

Second column heading

A two column layout splits the priority of two ideas on your page.  Leading with an image can break up long text, and provide context to the heading and descriptive text associated with the image 

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right.

Grid: 3-Column Grid

student in front of a mural

Individual call out

First column heading

A three column layout splits the priority of three ideas on your page.  Leading with an image can break up long text, and provide context to the heading and descriptive text associated with the image 

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right.

student in front of a mural

Individual call out

Second column heading

A three column layout splits the priority of three ideas on your page.  Leading with an image can break up long text, and provide context to the heading and descriptive text associated with the image 

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right.

student in front of a mural

Individual call out

Third column heading

A three column layout splits the priority of three ideas on your page.  Leading with an image can break up long text, and provide context to the heading and descriptive text associated with the image 

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right.

Grid: 3-Column Grid with background

Use the 3-column grid with background to feature content with a background visual.

Our voices

We are bold, innovative, and diverse change makers that are purpose driven and persistent.

Our voices will define the century.

Will define

We lead at the intersection of innovation and justice, seeking solutions and give voice to the challenges of our time – leading to transformative change.

The century

Where social and environmental justice are taught and lived. Where academic rigor and experimentation offer the adventure of a lifetime.

UC Santa Cruz is a complex and diverse place.
Rooted in this complexity are some foundational attributes that make us distinctive.

Grid: Statistics

Used the Statistics Pattern to associate an image with an overlay that quickly calls out facts.

Lab equipment at a UCSC Lab


Numerical fact 1


Numerical fact 2


Numerical fact 3


Percentage call out


Metric call out example


Metric call out example

Grid: 3- column with dividers

First column heading

A three column layout splits the priority of three ideas on your page.

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right.

Second column heading

A three column layout splits the priority of three ideas on your page.

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right.

Third column heading

A three column layout splits the priority of three ideas on your page.

In mobile, the columns will stack on top of each other, with the columns presented left to right.


Media patterns associate text with a larger image or video to call out key information on your web page.

Find these patterns

Select: Patterns
Then select: Media

Media: Image with text, and heading

Use for specific information that you want to highlight on your website including an image in context to the content.

Creating real change

Students at UC Santa Cruz learn from incredible faculty, develop new skills through hands-on research opportunities, and have a track record of making an impact. What kind of a pathbreaker, innovator, or changemaker will you become?

A tree in a field

Media: Featured video, with heading, text, and call to action

Use for specific information that you want to highlight on your website, that could include video.

Creating real change

Students at UC Santa Cruz learn from incredible faculty, develop new skills through hands-on research opportunities, and have a track record of making an impact. What kind of a pathbreaker, innovator, or changemaker will you become?

Page layouts

Combinations of blocks to provide a fuller page layout.

Find these patterns

Select: Patterns
Then select: Page layouts

Secondary or on-page navigation

When you need to create another layer of navigation for a section of pages within a larger website.


Post patterns are an automated way of displaying multiple posts. News feeds are a common use case.

Find these patterns

Select: Patterns
Then select: Posts

Posts: display example, using the query loop block

Content in your query loop can be displayed in a variety of ways to get a desired look and feel.

  • Division of Student Affairs and Success

    Division of Student Affairs and Success

    Students are the reason for our work. Supporting student success is paramount to the programs we offer, the events we host, the resources we share, and the initiatives we lead.

  • UC Santa Cruz Foundation

    UC Santa Cruz Foundation

    UC Santa Cruz Foundation is a not-for-profit, public-benefit corporation organized in 1974 to raise and manage private support for UC Santa Cruz. 

  • Innovation & Business Engagement Hub

    Innovation & Business Engagement Hub

    The Innovation & Business Engagement Hub is your bridge to the vast resources, diverse talent, and bold innovations at UC Santa Cruz.

  • Center for Coastal Climate Resilience

    Center for Coastal Climate Resilience

    Building coastal resilience by engaging partners, fostering leaders, and addressing the challenges from climate change with strategic focus in 6 key areas

  • Office of the Chancellor

    Office of the Chancellor

    As the 11th chancellor of the University of California at Santa Cruz, Cynthia Larive leads an institution known worldwide for its high-impact research, for seeking interdisciplinary solutions to the world’s greatest challenges, and for its commitment to social and environmental justice. 

  • Academic Affairs

    Academic Affairs

    Academic Affairs supports faculty through various diversity initiatives and grants, fellowships, and professional development opportunities.

  • Academic Personnel

    Academic Personnel

    The mission of the Academic Personnel Office is to facilitate the recruitment, appointment, advancement, and retention of the most qualified and diverse faculty and academic appointees possible.

  • Access to your website analytics

    Access to your website analytics

    Google Analytics messaged users on April 2, 2024 noting that Universal Analytics will cease to function on July 1, 2024. There is no action you’ll need to take if you currently use the centralized Google Analytics account set up for UC Santa Cruz websites.

Post patterns are an automated way of displaying multiple posts. News feeds are a common use case.

Text layout

Combinations of blocks to provide a fuller page layout.

Find these patterns

Select: Patterns
Then select: Text layouts

Text: Media with Text, Featured

Text: columns with a background image


The UCSC student experience fuses high-level academics with passionate engagement in the world. Here, you learn by doing, and we are routinely ranked among top universities for research excellence and impact. 

Text: Map + Contact


1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Additional Info
A global research university, UC Santa Cruz is part of the world’s most celebrated system of public higher education, and stands among the leading institutions of higher learning.


Contact Info: sammy@ucsc.edu

Text: Callout

Leading at the intersection of innovation and social justice.

Text: Centered call to action

Discover our research

A global research university with an uncommon emphasis on undergraduate research and education, UC Santa Cruz is part of the world’s most celebrated system of public higher education, and stands among the most renowned institutions of higher learning.

Text: Interstitial heading

Discover our research

UC Santa Cruz is part of the world’s most celebrated system of public higher education

Text: Text layout with Call to Action

Lab equipment at a UCSC Lab

UC Santa Cruz

Discover our research

A global research university with an uncommon emphasis on undergraduate research and education, UC Santa Cruz is part of the world’s most celebrated system of public higher education, and stands among the most renowned institutions of higher learning.

Text: Text layout with background color and Call to Action

Lab equipment at a UCSC Lab

UC Santa Cruz

Discover our research

A global research university with an uncommon emphasis on undergraduate research and education, UC Santa Cruz is part of the world’s most celebrated system of public higher education, and stands among the most renowned institutions of higher learning.

Last modified: Oct 10, 2024